Happy New Year, Netvista!

Hope you all had a lovely New Year's Eve, and a great entrance to 2024. We at Parasoftware have been hard at work to make sure all servers are up and running so that YOU can have a great time visiting Netvista 2.0!

With the Centre and Park being back up again, we wanna introduce our newest zone - Netvista Stage! A place for the entertainers of Netvista, be it comedians, musicians or anything inbetween.

We added two pages to that zone listing so that the place isn't abandoned, and so that Netvista Civilians can see what it's about, and to see if they should transfer over to there.

You'll see that NO ZONE uses the EXACT same design as the other, this is as we believe that different zones DESERVE to be different, to have a thing of their own.

Unfortunately we still don't REALLY have a way to streamline joining a zone, you still have to reach out to The Axolotl, but she's hard at work trying to accept as many incoming requests as she can. Click Here to send her a message!

Thank you for choosing;


The Net of the Future

by Parasoftware